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紐約華僑中文學校獲頒 “全美總統志工服務獎”認證組織之一

Presidential Service For Our Volunteers
​Feb 10, 2020

紐約華僑中文學校(New York Chinese School)於本月10 日核准成為全美最高榮譽志工獎項“總統志願服務獎”的認證組織之一。該認證使NYCS能夠表彰為NYCS服務的傑出志願者,並將其授予總統志願服務獎 the President’s Volunteer Service Award。總統志願服務獎是一項由美國總統贊助的全國性獎項,旨在表彰那些為社區服務投入數百小時的傑出志工者。
New York Chinese School is proud to announce that NYCS has been approved as a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This certification enables NYCS to recognize outstanding volunteers in service to NYCS and award them the Presidential’s Volunteer Service Award. The President‘s Volunteer Service Award is a national award under the patronage of the US president that honors volunteers that commit hundreds of hours to community service. New York Chinese School is honored to be approved to be a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.