紐約華僑學校及中國城青少年協會  週末清潔唐人街

2024-09-16 22:47:46

On September 15, the Chinatown Youth Initiatives (CYI), the Chinatown Partnership, and the New York Chinese School co-hosted the 22nd "Chinatown Beautification Day." Since 2020, the New York Chinese School has partnered with CYI to organize this event. A memorandum of cooperation for 2024 was also signed that day, bringing together over 150 volunteer students and community members from across New York City, including well-known high schools such as Hunter College High School, Stuyvesant High School, Brooklyn Technical High School, Bronx High School of Science. This event beautifies the community of Chinatown and shows love, warmth and care to the community.
The opening ceremony featured the principal of the New York Chinese School, Jennifer Wang, who introduced the school's history, community responsibilities, and current goals. The event included workshops, discussions, group meetings, and street cleaning activities. CYI organizer Ruiyu Tang emphasized the importance for the new generation of Chinese Americans to understand the needs of the Chinatown community and to take actions to contribute to its improvement.
Chinatown Partnership Executive Director Wellington Chen discussed how to enhance the image and status of the Chinese community, hoping to strengthen the community through united efforts. Principal Wang remarked that since New York Chinese School establishment in 1909, the school has been dedicated to serving the community. The school's mission goes beyond language education; it aims to instill a sense of community service in students and encourage them to think about how they can contribute to the community in the future. As a minority group, it is essential to support each other and strive for excellence, enhancing the image and status of minorities in society.
Principal Wang also expressed gratitude to CYI organizers Ruiyu Tang, Angelina So, Jessica Xong, Pearl Liu, and the New York Chinese school's patrol leaders Johnny Zhao and Anthony Li, as well as Executive Director Wellington Chen, for their collaborative efforts in injecting the wisdom and vitality of mainstream youth into Chinatown. She encouraged young students to engage in community service as well. That day, 10 participants registered to become volunteers for the Chinese school. Through this event, there is a hope that Chinatown will become cleaner and more beautiful day by day.

「中國城青少年代表協會」(Chinatown Youth Initiatives, CYI)、華埠商業共同發展機構、 紐約華僑學校9月15日共同舉辦第二十二屆「紐約中國城靚麗日」(Chinatown Beautification Day)。
紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠表示僑校自1909年以來迄今是以服務社區為宗旨,僑校的使命不僅教授學生語言,更重要的是在學生心中植入回饋社區的意識,思考如何在未來為社區做出貢獻。作為少數族裔,不僅要互相扶持幫助,還要加倍努力,希望亞裔不斷地茁壯卓越,提升少數族裔在社會的形象及地位。並感謝 CYI活動主辦人唐瑞宇,Angelina So,Jessica Ong,Pearl Liu;僑校糾察隊隊長趙子傑、副隊長李浩楠及華埠商業共同發展機構執行長陳作舟的結盟合作,共同將主流社會青年的智慧及活力挹注中國城。同時鼓勵青年學子們行有餘力參與社區服務的行列。當天即有10位參與活動者註冊擔任僑校志願者。藉此活動,冀盼 紐約中國城一天比一天清潔,一天比一天美麗。


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