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照片一: 左至右Jinyu Xu 、Vanessa Chen、Seraphina Ng 和校長王憲筠、鄭薏如主任合影
Photo 1: Group photo of Jinyu Xu, Vanessa Chen, Seraphina Ng, principal Jennifer Wang  and Director Zheng Yiru 

2022紐約中國城靚麗日 2022 Chinatown Beautification Day

照片二:大合照                                                       Photo 2: Large group photo

Photo 3: A scene of sweeping the street

2022年「中國城靑少年代表協會」Chinatown Youth Initiatives、紐約中國城靚麗日主辦人Vanessa Chan邀請紐約華僑學校共同參與「紐約中國城靚麗日」。總計二百多人在紐約華埠社區進行服務並把關懷帶給社區。


在會議中,Vanessa 表示此活動的最初使命是為了解決 9/11 後下東區的疏忽問題。之後活動演變成一個由兩部分並讓來自全市各地的年輕人參與獨特的學習體驗。通過學習體驗讓紐約市青年了解到華埠社區、亞裔美國人和其他社區的需求, 並為華埠社區作出一份貢獻使得社區變得更好。

紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠致詞中表示華裔為少數族裔,除了須要彼此支持幫助外,必須加倍付出的努力。其感謝 「中國城靑少年代表協會」及華埠商業共同發展機構執行長陳作舟及本年度贊助商喜運來大酒家、長江餅店、寶榮行等捐贈單位。另特別感謝活動主辦人 Vanessa Chen、Seraphina Ng 和 Jinyu Xu 協調此次活動。除歡迎200多名的「紐約中國城靚麗日」各校高中及大學生外,雙方並簽定協議備忘錄,建立合作夥伴關係。會中亦簡報百年僑校歷史。藉此活動,她並希望未來紐約中國城一天比一天美麗。

Vanessa Chan, a member of The Chinatown Youth Initiatives and the coordinator of 2022 New York Chinatown Beautification Day, invited the New York Chinese School to join the event. A total of more than 100 youth volunteers will serve in New York Chinatown and bring care to the community. This event is divided into two sessions. The first session is an all-day youth conference on September 17 at the New York Chinese School. Youth volunteers will explore and understand the current issues in the Chinatown and Asian-American community. The second session, Clean Up Day, will be held in the Chinatown community on September 18. Youth volunteers will go out onto the streets of Chinatown to clean up and provide care to the Chinatown community.

Venessa mentioned during the conference that the event's original mission was to address concerns about the neglect of post-9/11's Lower East Side, which has since evolved into a two-part event that brings youth from all over the city to participate in a unique learning experience. Through learning experiences, youths will learn about the needs of the Chinatown community, Asian Americans, and other underrepresented communities, and make the Chinatown community better.

Principal of the New York Chinese School, Jennifer Wang thanked the Chinatown Youth Initiatives for creating this event. She especially thanks Vanessa Chen, Seraphina Ng, and Jinyu Xu for coordinating the event. She also mentions creating a partnership with the Chinatown Youth Initiatives. The Chinatown Youth Initiatives and Principal Wang signed a memorandum to create the partnership. She hopes to see Chinatown become more beautiful day after day. 

Photo 4: Preparation before sweeping the street