Donations 捐款資助

New York Chinese School's Mission of enabling children to appreciate and understand the Chinese Culture and Language is now more important than ever before. We ask that you consider donating to NYCS, as we are a non-profit organization striving to commit all efforts to support this mission. All funds will go towards benefiting and improving the education of our students. 

We will set up a method of electronic payment for donations. For now, we encourage you consider writing out a donation to us in the form of a check or money order. Any donations made are tax deductible, and are appreciated no matter the amount given.

Please make the check payable to New York Chinese School. New York Chinese school’s contact information listed below:

Principal’s Office
New York Chinese School 紐約華僑學校
62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-3320

Please also provide the needed information including your name, mailing address or email address. We will issue an appreciation letter with a receipt which has our tax ID information.
Your support and generosity will be truly appreciated by all the students and staffs of New York Chinese school.
The donations will be used either scholarships or building maintenance of New York Chinese School. 

請把支票抬頭給New York Chinese School
Principal’s Office
New York Chinese School 紐約華僑學校
62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-3320

請同時提供您寶貴的信息,包括您的姓名,通訊地址或電子郵件地址,我們將開具感謝函其中包含紐約華僑學校的稅號信息。 紐約中文學校所有學生和教職員工將真誠地感謝您的支持和慷慨。 愛心捐款將用於獎學金或紐約華僑學校建築物之維護。

62 Mott Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10013

(212) 226-3320

(212) 226-3321