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2024年畢業典禮|2024Graduation Ceremony

紐約華僑學校合作夥伴大都會國際兒童事工(Metro World Kids)自2018年始進行「大都會國際兒童事工-佳節盼望計畫」,舉辦一系列盛大的感恩節與聖誕節慶祝活動。此次活動 Metro World Kids 重要成員包括余祐合、許辰、蘇郁、高子雯、Kwaku Quan-Baah Acheamfuor 和 Natalie,為學生們介紹感恩節和聖誕節的背景及其歷史意義,學生獲益良多。

「大都會國際兒童事工Metro World Child-佳節盼望計畫],每年以禮物方式資助華僑學校,固定分別於復活節、感恩節及聖誕節期間,由該單位志工團隊至僑校於文化課程中講授節慶的源由、基督的愛、愛的傳遞及品德教育,全程歷時約廿分鐘。除分享節慶源由之外,主要目標是闡揚品德及人格教育。藉由活潑的互動方式,傳遞節慶源由及傳統意寓,深獲學生們的喜愛。周六班的實體學生自幼稚園至八年級,活動嘉惠學子達200人。

大都會國際兒童事工為全球性的基督教人道組織,宗旨是消除兒童貧窮及營造希望的未來,總部設於布魯克林,1980年成立以來,每週以愛心的實質行動提供基本的生存需求及解決生活困頓。目前服務逾25個國家,資助100萬名兒童,其本人及事工奔波進駐遍布世界各國偏遠地區,包括戰亂、政治不安的國家。而該單位資助者來自全球慈善團體及個人。負責曼哈頓事工許辰Teresa Hsu,亦為僑校義工老師身份協助僑校中文教學,奉獻良多。


紐約華僑學校校長王憲筠對Metro World Kids的辛勤工作表示感謝,期盼學生能藉此機會能夠更加深刻地理解生命的意義以及家庭的價值。其表示僑校建校之始即在勿街天主堂,亦本著傳承「奉獻」及「愛」的理念,從事社區服務事業迄今115年。展望未來,僑校藉由推動品德教育,為少數族裔樹立榜樣。同時,勉勵學生們勇於面對挑戰,不斷成長茁壯,並將這份愛心永續傳承

紐約華僑學校及中國城青少年協會  週末清潔唐人街

2024 Chinatown Beautification Day


雲吞公司|Wonton Food Company

「中國城青少年代表協會」(Chinatown Youth Initiatives, CYI)、華埠商業共同發展機構、 紐約華僑學校915日共同舉辦第二十二屆「紐約中國城靚麗日」(Chinatown Beautification Day)
2020年始與CYI締結姊妹夥伴關係,共同舉辦是項活動。當天亦簽署2024年合作備忘錄; 藉此匯聚大紐約地區和紐約華僑學校義工學生及志願者,其中包括知名高中如亨特高中、史岱文森高中、布碌崙科技高中、布朗士科學高中等校計150多人,藉此活動美化社區,展現愛心的活動,也為社區居民增添了溫暖和關懷。
1909年以來迄今是以服務社區為宗旨,僑校的使命不僅教授學生語言,更重要的是在學生心中植入回饋社區的意識,思考如何在未來為社區做出貢獻。作為少數族裔,不僅要互相扶持幫助,還要加倍努力,希望亞裔不斷地茁壯卓越,提升少數族裔在社會的形象及地位。並感謝 CYI活動主辦人唐瑞宇,Angelina So,Jessica Xong,Pearl Liu;僑校糾察隊隊長趙子傑、副隊長李浩楠及華埠商業共同發展機構執行長陳作舟的結盟合作,共同將主流社會青年的智慧及活力挹注中國城。同時鼓勵青年學子們行有餘力參與社區服務的行列。當天即有10位參與活動者註冊擔任僑校志願者。藉此活動,冀盼 紐約中國城一天比一天清潔,一天比一天美麗。


The New York Chinese School held a Confucius Memorial Ceremony on September 28 in the Confucius Gymnasium on the fifth floor, to commemorate the 2575th birthday of Confucius. The school has held this ceremony since September 28, 1909, continuing its responsibility to preserve and promote Chinese cultural traditions. During the event, the school arranged a series of cultural performances, including a speech about Confucius' life by student Zhang Jinming, a recital of the "Great Harmony" chapter by students from grades 4 to 9, and a performance of "Grandpa Confucius" by kindergarten to grade 3 students. These activities not only allowed students to experience the unique charm of Chinese culture firsthand but also showcased their talents and creativity, with over 100 students participating. Each student was given a peach bun to express gratitude and celebration.
On this special day, the school also honored outstanding weekend teachers from the Saturday program. Among them were teachers from New York City public schools, as well as volunteer teachers from institutions like New York University and Cornell University, including Cao Peihui, Zhang Manxin, Huang Xu, Liu Fenfen, Leng Jia, Zheng Zixi, Zhu Ying, Liu Guosheng, Wu Xiaoying, He Pengliang, Zhu Enyi, Lai Weitong, Jiang Jun'an, Ms. Rebecca Frank, Ms. Nicole Lee, and Ms. Kimberly Huang. Outstanding teachers from the Sunday program included Sun Yuqing, Huang Jiucheng, Yu Simin, Jiang Nan, Zhao Bo, and Li Kaling. These dedicated educators not only impart knowledge but also carry the mission of cultural preservation, providing high-quality services to the community’s children with love. Their hard work and educational achievements have been praised and appreciated by both students and parents.
Principal Wang expressed her gratitude for the teachers’ dedication to the community’s students and highlighted that since 2018, the school has promoted a courtesy campaign, which is a reflection of Confucius’ values. The school motto, "Propriety, Justice, Integrity, and Honor," is rooted in Confucius' philosophy. Through the Confucius Memorial Ceremony, the school hopes to inspire students to understand Confucius’ extraordinary contributions to human civilization and encourage them to enhance their moral education, ultimately striving to preserve Chinese culture and promote societal harmony in the future.

NYCS 2024 Confucius Ceremony

New York Chinese School  recently held its "2024 Fall Semester Chinese Calligraphy Competition" at the school's gymnasium. The event aimed to help students understand the structure and rhythm of Chinese characters while also honing their focus and patience.
The competition spanned two days, with over one hundred participants from the fourth grade and above, including online students. The participants were divided into three categories: Elementary, Middle School, and High School. The winners of the event were as follows:
For Saturday’s competition:
Elementary: Rosemary Lin, Meiyi Li, Ian Huang
Middle School: Qing Lan He, Laetitia Li, Marcella Wong

For Sunday’s competition:
Middle School: Liann Fan, Jason Zhao, Yang Ching Shi
High School: William Ren, Yong Qing Xu, Danny Moy
Principal Wang says that for the past 115 years, New York Chinese School has dedicated itself to its tradition and mission of passing down Chinese culture. She emphasized that language and culture are inseparable, and thus calligraphy acts as an important representation of eastern art and cultural beauty. Through the experience of learning calligraphy, students are able to grasp the profound depth of Chinese characters, while also being encouraged to develop their character and virtues. In today's fast-paced, material-driven society, patience and waiting are often overlooked, yet these qualities are essential to personal growth. Character education has always been one of the core values promoted by New York Chinese School. She expressed his gratitude to all teachers and students who actively supported the event and contributed their efforts, and she was proud and pleased with the outstanding performance of all the participants.

On September 15, the Chinatown Youth Initiatives (CYI), the Chinatown Partnership, and the New York Chinese School co-hosted the 22nd "Chinatown Beautification Day." Since 2020, the New York Chinese School has partnered with CYI to organize this event. A memorandum of cooperation for 2024 was also signed that day, bringing together over 150 volunteer students and community members from across New York City, including well-known high schools such as Hunter College High School, Stuyvesant High School, Brooklyn Technical High School, Bronx High School of Science. This event beautifies the community of Chinatown and shows love, warmth and care to the community.
The opening ceremony featured the principal of the New York Chinese school, Jennifer Wang, who introduced the school's history, community responsibilities, and current goals. The event included workshops, discussions, group meetings, and activities for cleaning the streets. CYI organizer Ruiyu Tang emphasized the importance for the new generation of Chinese Americans to understand the needs of the Chinatown community and to take actions to contribute to its improvement.
Chinatown Partnership Executive Director Wellington Chen discussed how to enhance the image and status of the Chinese community, hoping to strengthen the community through united efforts. Principal Wang remarked that since New York Chinese School establishment in 1909, the school has been dedicated to serving the community. The school's mission goes beyond language education; it aims to instill a sense of community service in students and encourage them to think about how they can contribute to the community in the future. As a minority group, it is essential to support each other and strive for excellence, enhancing the image and status of minorities in society.
Principal Wang also expressed gratitude to CYI organizers Ruiyu Tang, Angelina So, Jessica Xong, Pearl Liu, and the New York Chinese school's patrol leaders Johnny Zhao and Anthony Li, as well as Executive Director Wellington Chen, for their collaborative efforts in injecting the wisdom and vitality of mainstream youth into Chinatown. She encouraged young students to engage in community service as well. That day, 10 participants registered to become volunteers for the Chinese school. Through this event, there is a hope that Chinatown will become cleaner and more beautiful day by day.