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¥10,000 Donation fron Abacus Bank


Tuesday, February 26th

農曆新年前夕,國寶銀行為紐約華僑學校提供了1萬元的捐款。捐款儀式在曼哈頓華埠的紐約中華公所舉行,中華公所主席曾偉康、華僑學校校長王憲筠、國寶銀行總裁孫儀文、董事孫儀芬、美東聯成公所主席梁漢本和紐約台山寧陽會館主席伍健平出席。 孫儀文介紹,從她的父輩時代開始,華僑學校就是國寶銀行的長期贊助對象,而她的家族與華僑學校的淵源更可追溯至60年前,1962年,當時還是律師的國寶銀行創辦人孫啟誠,就積極幫助學校申請完全特許學校的立案。 王憲筠表示,疫情爆發以來,學校能夠順利開展線上教學,得益於國寶銀行價值4萬元的網路設備,使社區華人子弟能夠堅持學習中文,並有了更多種學習方式的選擇。曾偉康表示,國寶銀行多年來堅持貢獻華埠社區、支持華僑學校,是美國華裔資本的典範。

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, Abacus bank provided a donation of $10,000 to the New York Chinese School. The donation ceremony took place at the New York Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Manhattan's Chinatown, attended by Chairman Raymond Tsang of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Principal Jennifer Wang of the New York Chinese School, President Jill Sung, Director Vera Sung of Abacus Bank, Chairman Hanben Liang of the Lin Sing Association, and Chairman Jianping Wu of Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association.
Jill Sung introduced that since the time of her ancestors, the New York Chinese School has been a long-term beneficiary of Abacus Bank's sponsorship. The connection between her family and the school can be traced back to 60 years ago, in 1962, when the founder of Abacus Bank, Qicheng Sung, then a lawyer, actively assisted the school in applying for its establishment as a fully chartered institution.
Principal Wang stated that since the outbreak of the pandemic, the school has been able to carry out online teaching smoothly, thanks to the $40,000 worth of network equipment donated by Abacus Bank. This has enabled Chinese children in the community to continue learning Chinese and have more options for learning methods. Raymond Tsang expressed that Abacus Bank's persistent contribution to the Chinatown community and support for the New York Chinese School over the years have set an example for Chinese-American capital.