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500 People Enthusiastically Participate in New York Chinese School Graduation





出席畢業典禮的除了中華公所旗下各大僑團的代表外,還包括駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處副主任張麗賢、市議員馬泰(Christopher Marte)、雲吞公司執行長黃本勁、董事李可星、國寶銀行總裁孫義文等。

此外,州參議員卡范納(Brian Kavanagh)委派社區代表出席,而此前曾因故長時間隱身的市長辦公室亞裔特別顧問鄭祺蓉也重新露面。馬泰還為華僑學校頒發了嘉獎狀。

Recently, New York Chinese School held its 2024 graduation ceremony at the New York Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Manhattan's Chinatown. Over 500 people, including teachers, students, representatives from the overseas Chinese community, and officials, attended the ceremony, making it the largest graduation ceremony since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New York Chinese School has over 115-years of history, providing a platform for American Chinese children to learn Chinese and traditional Chinese culture. Over the past century, it has nurtured many local students who are proficient in Chinese and passionate about Chinese culture. Many of which have become a symbol of the Chinatown community.

Tony Chuy, Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Principal of the New York Chinese School, expressed gratitude to the parents for their trust in this century-old school and to the New York Chinese School for its continuous contributions to community service. Principal Jennifer Wang especially thanked consultant Eric Ng of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and companies like Wonton Company for their long-term donations to the school.

This year, 33 elementary, middle, and high school students received scholarships totaling $11,100. The scholarships were donated by over ten overseas Chinese associations under the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. Additionally, four students received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, 19 received Outstanding Teacher Awards, 16 received Outstanding Student Awards, and 30 received Outstanding Volunteer Awards.

In addition to representatives from various overseas Chinese groups under the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, attendees included Deputy Director Lixian Zhang of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, City Council Member Christopher Marte, CEO Norman Wong 黃本勁 of Wonton Company, Board Member Ho Sing Lee, and CEO Jill Sung of Abacus Bank. Furthermore, State Senator Brian Kavanagh delegated a community representative to attend, and Mayor's Office AAPI Special consultant Ms. Winnie Greco, also made an appearance. City Councilman Christopher Marte also awarded a certificate of commendation to the New York Chinese School.

 New York Chinese School 2024 Graduation Ceremony

New York Chinese School 2024 Graduation Ceremony







On the 22nd, the New York New York Chinese School held its 2024 graduation ceremony, attended by approximately 500 guests, teachers, and students. This event was the most significant since the pandemic. Guests presented graduation certificates and scholarships to the students. 

2024 marks the 115th anniversary of the New York Chinese School, numerous organizations such as the Chinese Freemasons, Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association, On Leong Merchants Association, Hip Sing Association, Inc., New York Eng Suey Sun Association, Hoi Pang Association N.Y., Lin Sing Association, Hok Shan Society, Gee Poy Kuo Association, Chung Shan Association, Chinese Musical & Theater Ass’n, Nom Hoy & Sun Tuck Association, Inc., and Wong Family Benevolent Association donated scholarships to the students, creating a festive and lively atmosphere. Several elected officials awarded commendations to the school, praising its enduring spirit of serving the community's students since its founding in 1909.

The school also awarded the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award to four volunteers, the Outstanding Teacher Award to 19 teachers, and the Outstanding Student Award to 16 students.

Tony Chuy, Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Chairman of the New York Chinese School, congratulated the graduates and expressed gratitude for the school's dedication to community service. Chairman Chuy also extended heartfelt thanks to the parents for choosing this school.

Principal Jennifer Wang praised all the graduates for their hard work and persistence. During the introduction of the guests, she thanked consultant Eric Ng of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association for his foresight in 2018, donating his entire salary and, together with Wonton Company founder Ching Sun Wong, established the "Fortune Graduation Fund" to encourage Chinese children to learn about Chinese culture. Since 2018, Wonton Company has donated $50,000 annually. Reflecting on the pandemic period, she acknowledged the ongoing support and sponsorship from the Chairman, board members, and the community, which helped the century-old school overcome a challenging phase.

The pandemic changed the world, altered lives, and affected interpersonal relationships, but New York Chinese School has steadfastly continued serving the community's children.

This year, in addition to 42 kindergarten graduates, 33 students (including 15 elementary students, 12 middle school students, and 6 high school students) received awards, with a total of $11,100 in scholarships. On behalf of all the school's teachers and students, they expressed their gratitude and best wishes.

Finally, they thanked the 60 organizations that have supported the school since its founding in 1909, the broader community, and the parents for their persistence and trust. The school will continue to uphold and promote the rich tradition of Chinese culture and language, striving for even greater achievements.
