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雲吞公司|Wonton Food Company

僑社星岛日报: 雲吞公司向僑校捐款5萬元
Wonton Food Company Donates $50,000 to New York Chinese School

伍銳賢介紹,自己與黃青新相識數十年,隨著雲吞食品公司的不斷發展,黃青新與伍銳賢二人遂商議設置畢業獎學金項目,由雲吞公司旗下青新文化藝術基金會捐資,向每年從校畢業、並有意繼續學習中文的畢業生頒發獎學金。2018年,黃青新與時任中華公所主席的伍銳賢正式創建了中華公所華僑學校畢業鼓勵金(Fortune Graduation Fund) 。

On the 18th, Wonton Company donated another $50,000 to New York Chinese School to support its operations. The handover ceremony was attended by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Chairman Tony Chuy, New York Chinese School Principal Wang, and CCBA and New York Chinese School consultant Eric Ng.
Eric Ng introduced that he has known Ching Sun Wong for decades. As Wonton Food Company continued to develop, Ching Sun Wong and Eric Ng decided to establish a graduation scholarship project, funded by the Wonton Company’s Ching Sun Cultural and Arts Foundation. This scholarship is awarded annually to graduates who are interested in continuing their Chinese studies. In 2018, Ching Sun Wong and Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Eric Ng, officially established the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association New York Chinese School Graduation Encouragement Fund (Fortune Graduation Fund).
This fund has made New York Chinese School the only Chinese school among over 300 large Chinese schools in the United States to award graduation scholarships, thus becoming one of the school’s strengths. The fund provides $300 and $1,000 scholarships to each middle and high school student, respectively. In 2019, the scholarship was extended to elementary students, each receiving $100. Since 2018, hundreds of graduating students have benefited from this fund.
As a staunch supporter of education, Ching Sun Wong not only donates $50,000 annually to the school's graduation scholarship fund and contributes to the school's operations fund but also sponsored the establishment of the Greater New York Chinese Education Foundation’s "Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship" in 2017. He donates $120,000 annually to support children from Asian families in the restaurant industry across the United States to complete their education, earning him a reputation as a philanthropic entrepreneur in the community. On behalf of all the teachers and students of the New York Chinese School, Principal Wang expressed gratitude for Wonton Food Company’s long time support. She also encouraged community students to cherish the opportunity to learn Chinese, apply their knowledge in the future, and in the future give back to society.

雲吞公司|Wonton Food Company

世界日報: 雲吞食品公司向華僑學校捐款5萬元
Wonton Foods Donates $50,000 to Chinese School to Encourage Learning Chinese

據悉,此筆捐款將進入由中華公所設立的「畢業鼓勵基金」(Fortune Graduation Fund),每年向華僑學校的小學、初中和高中畢業生發放從百元到千元不等的獎學金以資鼓勵,旨在鼓勵更多華裔學子學習中文並傳承中華文化,並在學成後回饋社區。

On the 18th, Wonton Foods donated $50,000 to the New York Chinese School through the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, with the goal of encouraging Chinese-American students to continue learning Chinese as well as Chinese cultures. The donation will also support the school's daily operations.
This year marks the seventh year Wonton Foods has donated to the Chinese School, with only a pause in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This donation will go into the "Fortune Graduation Fund" established by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. The fund aims to encourage more Chinese-American students to learn Chinese and pass on the culture, providing scholarships ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars annually to elementary, middle, and high school graduates.
Lee Ho Sing, a Board member at Wonton Foods, stated that it has become a tradition to donate to the Chinese School annually. Encouraging Chinese-American children to learn Chinese is of great significance. Last year, in addition to rewarding students, some teachers were also rewarded. He hopes the donations can continue.
Eric Ng, an advisor and former chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, said he has known Lee Ho Sing for 48 years due to business interactions and they became friends. Over the years, they have been thinking about how to better help the Chinese community. In 2017, they decided to establish the encouragement fund and later included elementary students in the award scope. Although donations paused for a year during the initial pandemic period, their original intention to help the next generation has never changed. Those attending the donation ceremony included the chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Tony Chuy, the chairman of the Lin Sing Association, Hanben Liang, and the chairman of the New York Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association, Kenny Ng.
Principal Jennifer Wang of the Chinese School stated that Wonton Foods' donation is of great significance to the school's sustainable operation. Currently, many Chinese-American students' first language is English, and many give up learning Chinese. This fund can attract them to learn Chinese and greatly benefits low-income families. "For Chinese people striving in mainstream society, knowing Chinese is a major advantage."
The Chinese School, registered as a charter school in 1962, offers after-school classes and weekend Mandarin and Cantonese classes for students and adults, as well as math preparatory classes, SAT prep classes, painting classes, programming classes, kung fu classes, and more. Currently, the school has about 400 students.